01642722380 admin@yattonhouse.org.uk Great Ayton, North Yorkshire

Sponsored Walk 2024

Yatton House Society  >  Sponsored Walk 2024

Walk for Yatton House

Tees Heritage Walk – 12th May between 09.30 and 11.00 hours

Help us to raise funds for our refurbishment by Joining us in the Rotary Tees Heritage 2024 Walk. The Walk is organised by Middlesbrough Erimus Rotary and Middlesbrough College and is supported by Middlesbrough and Stockton Councils, PD Ports and other local Rotary Clubs.

This is a great opportunity for our Yatton House community to come together to raise funds to aid the next phase of our refurbishment program. We would like as many people as possible to support us by walking all or part of the 5.9 mile route from the Transporter Bridge in Middlesbrough to the Millennium Bridge in Stockton. Yatton House will be running a shuttle bus service between Middlesbrough College and Newport Bridge providing an alternative start or ending point.

Funds raised from the walk will help us to achieve our ongoing refurbishment and improvement plan. Funds can be raised through our Just Giving Platform. If you will be participating as a sponsored walker please can you ask your sponsors to donate directly on our JustGiving page.

There is an entry fee of £5 per adult or £10.00 per family payable to Erimus Rotary to help cover the organisational costs, entry forms are available to download from the Rotary website: https://erimusrotary.org/tees-heritage-walk-2024