01642722380 admin@yattonhouse.org.uk Great Ayton, North Yorkshire

Climate Commitment

Yatton House Society  >  Climate Commitment

At Yatton House we understand how fragile our planet is and the impact all of our lives can have on its future. We may only be able to make a small difference but we are proud of our green credentials and strongly believe we all have a part to play in tackling climate change and the negative outcomes that can result from our everyday actions.

We are committed to doing all we can to minimize the environmental impact of our activities at Yatton House and our members play a key role in helping us to achieve these aims.

Our commitment is to:

Reduce waste in accordance with the waste hierarchy and to seek ways to re-use and recycle materials where we cannot reduce or eliminate their use.

Minimize our energy consumption by ensuring our building is as energy efficient as possible.

Reduce our water consumption by capturing and using rain water in our gardening activities.

Protect and enhance biodiversity by establishing an environmentally friendly and sustainable community garden.