With the existing temporary modular building beginning to reach its life expectancy Yatton House Society took the decision to refurbish and extend the existing building in order to meet the needs of its Members and to improve accessibility.
Phase 5 target reached
Phase 5 Thermometer

Phases 1-5 Officially opened by the Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP
Completed Phases
Phase 1 – Completed and opened on the 1st March 2019
- New safe, accessible and secure entrance to the existing Yatton House buildings.
- Revised safe car parking with accessible pedestrian and wheelchair access arrangements.
- External recladding and new windows.
- New reception area with automatic doors and secure greeting area.
- New fully accessible Changing Places facility.
Total refurbishment cost – £150,000

Thank you to the following funders; The National Lottery, Hambleton Making a Difference, NYCC.
Phase 2- Completed January 2021
To improve the provision of safer, cleaner and more appropriate toilet and washroom environments suitable to meet the needs of all users.
- Refurbishment of men’s’ toilets and washroom.
- Creation of new ladies’ toilets and washroom.

Total refurbishment cost – £30,804
Thank you to the following funders; Jack Brunton, Sir George Martin Trust, The National Lottery, NYCC, Parent Donation, Woodhouse Fundraiser
Phase 3 – Completed June 2022

- Full refurbishment and extension of our ‘Independent Living Skills Kitchen’ including; walls, electrics, plumbing, flooring, units, and appliances.
- Kitchen designed to be full inclusive with high/low riser units.
- External cladding to the east elevation including replacement of windows.
Total refurbishment cost – £66,548.00
Thank you to the following funders; The National Lottery, Edward Gostling Foundation, Clothworker’s Foundation, Percy Bilton Charity, Individual Donation, Baily Thomas Charitable Trust, Jack Brunton Charitable Trust, Hambleton DC Making a Difference Fund, Persimmon Community Fund, Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust, Howden Joinery.
Phase 4 – Work Completed August 2023

- Refurbishment of North – West, East and South East external elevations
- Insulated rendered walls
- Replacement of all windows with double glazed units
- Replacement of all external doors which include three fire exits
- Improvements to accessibility with new wheelchair accessible ramps
- External paving around the building perimeter
Total refurbishment cost – £71,693
Thank you to the following funders; Bernard Sunley Foundation, Screwfix Foundation, Rank Foundation, Jack Brunton Charitable Trust, Aviva Community Fund, Edward Gostling Foundation, National Lottery, Newcastle Building Society Community Fund, North Yorkshire County Council. This project has also been supported through individual donations and legacies.
Phase 5 – Work Completed December 2024
The refurbishment and expansion of an Activity Room.
- Extend existing footprint into adjacent room to create large activity space
- Full refurbishment of flooring, lighting, and heating.
- Improved thermal insulation of the roof and external repairs.
- Decoration, furnishing, and storage.

Total refurbishment cost – £68,358
Thank you to the following funders, Bernard Sunley Foundation, Big Lottery, Garfield Weston Foundation, Jack Brunton Charitable Trust, and Prochorus (TeesMillions). This project has also been supported through individual donations and legacies.